What to Feed Chickens: The Controversy

What to Feed Chickens: The ControversyIn Part I of a two-part series, I am taking a look at the controversy around what to feed backyard chickens and providing some advice on how to evaluate the conflicting information you may find out there.

What to Feed Chickens: The Controversy

In these times of #BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter, Hillary… Continue reading

Training Requirements for Backyard Chicken Keepers: A New Trend?

Backyard chicken training requirementsYou can call me Deborah Neyens, CCK.

Or maybe Deborah Neyens, CCCL.

Whether you regard me as a crazy chicken lady (CCL) or merely a chicken keeper (CK), I am now certified by the City of Cedar Rapids to do what I’m doing. I’ve completed a city-approved training course… Continue reading

Molting: Why Your Chickens Are Losing Their Feathers


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It’s a little disconcerting to open the chicken coop these days; it looks like a chicken has exploded inside. There are feathers everywhere – in the coop, in the pen, blowing around the yard.

It’s apparent… Continue reading

Caring for Your Chickens in Winter: A Guide

Caring for Your Chickens in Winter

Are your chickens ready for winter?

It’s been a glorious autumn in Iowa, but these photos from last winter provide a chilling reminder of what lies ahead. Where I live, negative double-digit temperatures are all too common during the winter months, along with blowing snow and ice… Continue reading

Four Summer Heat Busters for Your Suburban Chickens

Four summer heat busters for your suburban chickens

Did you know that heat is more stressful on chickens than cold?

That’s not to say I don’t worry about my chickens when the temperatures drop below zero during the long Iowa winter. But they have ways to stay warm. On the coldest of days, they stay inside… Continue reading

Meet Marigold and Betty, My Easter Egger Chickens

I will be spending a bit more time counting my chickens from now on.

If you were watching the Chicken Cam over the weekend, you saw chicken math in operation. On Saturday, I brought home the newest additions to my flock. And now I’d like to introduce them to you.

Easter Egger chickensMeet Marigold and… Continue reading