My Top Five Chicken Websites and Blogs

Top Five Chicken Websites and Blogs

Counting My Chickens recently was named one of the top 50 poultry websites and blogs for poultry keepers by Feedspot. This was a nice honor, and it got me thinking about my own favorite online chicken resources. I was pleased to see many of them included on the Feedspot list, so now I’m sharing them with all of you.

My Favorite Chicken Websites

What to Do When Your Chicken is Sick

sick chickenImage by Alec Salter Design

As a backyard chicken
keeper, there likely will come a day when you realize you have a sick chicken
on your hands. You may notice that your pet chicken isn’t eating or that she
seems lethargic. Or you may notice physical signs of illness, such as a pale
comb or a drooping tail. So… Continue reading

What to Feed Chickens: The Controversy

What to Feed Chickens: The ControversyIn Part I of a two-part series, I am taking a look at the controversy around what to feed backyard chickens and providing some advice on how to evaluate the conflicting information you may find out there.

What to Feed Chickens: The Controversy

In these times of #BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter, Hillary… Continue reading

Training Requirements for Backyard Chicken Keepers: A New Trend?

Backyard chicken training requirementsYou can call me Deborah Neyens, CCK.

Or maybe Deborah Neyens, CCCL.

Whether you regard me as a crazy chicken lady (CCL) or merely a chicken keeper (CK), I am now certified by the City of Cedar Rapids to do what I’m doing. I’ve completed a city-approved training course… Continue reading