Caring for Your Suburban Chickens: How Much Time Does It Really Take?

A happy suburban chicken


Aren’t chickens a lot of work? I get that question a lot about my three backyard hens. And my answer always is, “No, not really.”

Don’t get me wrong. As the caretaker of your backyard flock, you will have responsibilities for the health and well-being of your birds. But if you’ve had… Continue reading

Is it Legal to Raise Chickens in My Suburban Backyard?

Is is legal to raise chickens in my suburban backyard?Before embarking on your own suburban homestead adventure, it’s important to ask yourself the question raised in the title of this post.

I personally think that people should have just as much right to have pet chickens as they do dogs… Continue reading

Housing Chickens in a Suburban Backyard

Suburban backyard chicken


Are you thinking of adding a few laying hens to your backyard this spring? Housing chickens in a suburban backyard may be easier than you think. This guide will tell you how you can provide your chickens with a suitable place to live, access to the outdoors, and protection from predators.

Read on to learn… Continue reading