What to Feed Chickens: The Controversy

What to Feed Chickens: The ControversyIn Part I of a two-part series, I am taking a look at the controversy around what to feed backyard chickens and providing some advice on how to evaluate the conflicting information you may find out there.

What to Feed Chickens: The Controversy

In these times of #BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter, Hillary… Continue reading

Kale and Couscous Salad

Kale and couscous salad

Kale: From the Kitchen Garden to the Plate

I’ve always thought that a few kale plants in every backyard would go a long way toward solving world hunger. Kale is one of the easiest Brassicas to grow, and it grows prolifically. You can plant kale in the spring and, if you keep picking off leaves as they grow, the… Continue reading

The Farmers Market Cookbook: A Review and Two Recipes

The Farmers Market Cookbook: A Review and Two Recipes

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When I was offered a copy of The Farmers Market Cookbook by Julia Shanks and Brett Grohsgal in exchange for this review, I… Continue reading

Get Outdoors and Discover the Forest!

Discover the Forest

Discover the Forest

The ninth annual National Get Outdoors Day is Saturday, June 11. While those of you who garden – like me – likely spend a lot of time outdoors already, National Get Outdoors Day is a great excuse to get out of the garden and go explore the world –… Continue reading

The Kitchen Garden A to Z: Cabbage


I’m working through my kitchen garden from A to Z. Here’s my guide to growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving cabbage.


When it comes to cruciferous vegetables, cabbage is king. Cabbage plants produce huge, showy heads that hold their own amongst ornamentals. Cousin to kale, broccoli, cauliflower, the cabbage has… Continue reading

The May Garden

May garden
“The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.”
The quote above from American naturalist and writer Edwin Way Teale pretty much sums up my thoughts about the garden in May. In the May garden, anything seems possible.

The May garden is pure enjoyment. The hard work of prepping the soil and planting the… Continue reading