Cucumbers Prepared Five Ways

Cucumbers and More Cucumbers

As many gardeners have come to learn, one cucumber plant can go a long way. Are you harvesting a lot of cucumbers from your garden this time of year? Maybe you are getting a bunch in your weekly CSA box. If you are looking for more creative ways to use cucumbers than just slicing them into a… Continue reading

The Kitchen Garden A to Z: Cabbage


I’m working through my kitchen garden from A to Z. Here’s my guide to growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving cabbage.


When it comes to cruciferous vegetables, cabbage is king. Cabbage plants produce huge, showy heads that hold their own amongst ornamentals. Cousin to kale, broccoli, cauliflower, the cabbage has… Continue reading

The May Garden

May garden
“The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.”
The quote above from American naturalist and writer Edwin Way Teale pretty much sums up my thoughts about the garden in May. In the May garden, anything seems possible.

The May garden is pure enjoyment. The hard work of prepping the soil and planting the… Continue reading